Writing Contest

Holiday Traditions

Holiday Traditions

Hello, OWFI!

Can you believe the holidays are already upon us? Traditions are important to me, and the holidays are a time to reflect on current traditions and add new ones. It’s also a good time to look forward to the new year just around the bend. Soon, I’ll begin setting writing goals for 2019. I’m a big believer in goal setting. I’ll set a large, overarching goal for the year and then break it down into smaller, more realistic goals to meet each month.

What’s New for OWFI This Fall?

What’s New for OWFI This Fall?

Happy Almost-Fall, OWFI!

Fall is just around the corner, and with it will come cooler temperatures, fall festivals, gorgeous foliage, fun costumes on Halloween, and family gatherings at Thanksgiving. For these reasons and more, fall has always been my favorite season.